On Being a Homemaker

Today marks the beginning of my fourth month in a totally new career: being a wife and homemaker! And let me just say, it’s my favorite job yet. 

Lucas and I extensively discussed what I would do after we got married and we had several goals in mind.

I was working two very stressful jobs right up until the wedding and after planning the wedding and enduring a pretty darn tough year work-wise, we decided to go in a new direction for our marriage. I would step away from my other jobs in order to focus on my passions +  our home and family needs.

I have a few side businesses which I absolutely love, and I wanted to devote more time to those. Want to learn Spanish? I’m your girl!

Additionally, Lucas has been really invested in my writing since we started dating, and he wanted to give more time to write for magazines and finish my book. This has been such a gift, and I’m happy to report I’ve published six articles and counting, and my book is nearly done!

However,  despite all these great side hustles, we had a vision for our marriage and part of it included me having the privilege to be a homemaker. Lucas has taken on the role of financial provider and I’ve taken on the role of food provider! Ha, only slightly kidding. It is truly amazing to me how wonderful it is to be home and available.

I meal plan, grocery shop, prepare my husband’s lunches every day, keep our laundry done, and maintain a tidy home. The last one is a big one because this farmhouse is big and sprawling and in need of endless vacuuming, redecorating and dusting.

I fully recognize 100 % that many, many women do all the aforementioned, and work full time, and have kids, so I’m pretty darn blessed, but I’m simply here to encourage all the ladies out there who have the desire or perhaps just curiosity about what it actually looks like to be home.

You know, most of our grandmothers, if not our own mothers, were homemakers. For hundreds of years it was recognized that when you married, you quit your jobs and devoted yourself to running your home. I can’t speak for all women, but I certainly can speak for myself in saying that I believe our family and marriage has benefited immensely.

Here are a few reasons: 

-I can do errands during the day for my husband and me rather than having to cram everything in after 5.

-We eat at home more.

-We spend less money since I’m out and about less and Lucas doesn’t eat out for lunch.

-I do housework during the week so we can enjoy our weekends.

-I am approximately one million percent less stressed.

-I don’t have any resentment over who  “does more” at home since I’m home and I take my responsibilities seriously.

Honestly, I  don’t know why anyone would want to do things any other way, and I’m completely surprised this way of life has fallen out of favor with our society.

The other day someone called me Mrs. Shearer and I couldn’t stop smiling. My Pines and Plantations cookbook lists recipes and the author is written like this: Mrs. Lucas Shearer (Sarah) and it made me sad that that would be considered offensive now.

When did homemaking become antiquated and why did we suddenly start thinking you were suppressed or a doormat or had no self esteem or aspiration if you decided to work from home?

Anyone who knows me knows I’m incredibly active so it’s not like I’m home eating bon bons and watching soap operas, so this way of life is not a copout. It’s merely a choice to live more simply and frugally and intentionally so our family can benefit from having someone whose main job is to keep the home fires burning.

Can everyone financially do this? No…but I think you would be shocked if you learned the sacrifices many families make for the wife to stay home. I think our standard of living may be more of an obstacle than our actual finances.

Does it mean you can’t do other things or have your own business? No… have you ever even read Proverbs 31?

Is it worth it? Absolutely. I’m incredibly thankful for my hardworking husband and I love the life we are building.

Questions, and I would love to hear your responses:

Have you wanted to be a homemaker but been scared of how you would do it?

Did your mother or grandmother stay home and what do they have to stay about it?

Do you need a writer to help you create content for your business? Call me!

Do you need a spanish tutor?call me!

Would you like to come over for coffee? Call me!

Now, a few pictures. 🙂

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