Three Weeks Married

Three weeks married.

Three weeks married. After what felt like an eternal engagement, we are married at last. It was only five and a half months, but that was plenty of time to figure out I didn’t want to live a single day without my best friend.

I’ve debated writing about the wedding, or opting to focus on the actual marriage experience we have had a mere 21 days in. As I have woefully overlooked the necessity of writing any of this down, I shall attempt to highlight a little of both.

First, the wedding. It was perfect. I mean that. In every way. Everything and everyone came together and we had the most beautiful day. I had a rather enjoyable wedding week, although it was crammed full of last minute to-dos. As family began to arrive, my excitement heightened. This was really going to happen. The weather was perfect, and people traveled from all over the country to help us celebrate.

Rather than enumerate every detail in this one blog post, I’ll give you my two favorite moments of the day.

First, seeing Lucas at the end of the isle as the doors opened and my dad and I entered. I felt as though I had been living my whole life for that moment, and in an instant, nothing and no one existed but him. It was the most joyous moment of life and such an evidence of God’s love and faithfulness to us both.

Second, when we arrived at the reception and were announced formally. The room I had paced around and planned a reception in and constantly thought about for months was now full of people we loved dearly. Hundreds of them, eating, drinking, laughing and enjoying the evening. Their cheers resounded and I thought my heart might explode. It was magic.

We spent the next few hours attempting to say hello to everyone we could, and I think we almost spoke to everyone. We didn’t cut the cake or throw the bouquet or anything, we were too busy having a good time. Friends we hadn’t seen in years came, and it felt as though we had truly achieved our goal of creating a family reunion.

I’m so thankful for our wedding day. I’ll do another post about specific details and everything I learned during the planning process, but for now, know it was perfect.

And one final detail. I urge you and implore you to fight the good fight of purity. It’s a noble endeavor and oh so worth it. And that’s all I’ll say about that.

Now, marriage.

We have yet to have a normal week, since we left for our honeymoon shortly after the wedding, and when we returned Lucas worked for 7 days straight, and then it was Christmas. Perhaps next week we will begin to find our normal. I’ve enjoyed settling into our home and feeling all wifely, doing laundry and having dinner ready when lucas gets home. It’s truly the most fun thing ever. The main thing I’m learning is that sacrifice is sneaky. It doesn’t look like what I thought it would. when I considered laying my life down for my husband, I thought of more dramatic sacrifices, but they’ve all been pathetically small. It’s things like staying in when I’d rather go out, and being okay with the laundry being this way instead of that. It’s all stuff that shouldn’t matter at all, but it tests my fleshly tendencies. I love it though! Because Lucas is helping me to grow up in so many ways. He challenges me and encourages me and I know I’m going to be a better and more holy person because he’s my husband.

Also, marriage is just really fun. We don’t have to say goodbye anymore, and I have the best friend to live life with. I constantly wonder how I got so blessed. I look forward to 2020, and to learning and growing more as a blissfully happy married couple. The best is truly yet to come!

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